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Ford Explorer Gendarmerie française 0.1

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8 Screenshots

Ford Explorer Gendarmerie française


Licence :
Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA
Sharing, modifying and republishing this work is allowed under the following conditions.
- Attribution : Always cite the original author as "Laub66" or "Lauber" ;
- Non-commercial : Do not make commercial use of this paintjob ;
- Share-alike : Apply exactly the same conditions for copyright when modifying and reposting this paintjob.


Details :
Paintjob name : Veh_Fex_01_exterior_dif-resources.assets-1002.png
Asset path : ressources.assets/Veh_Fex-01_exterior-dif

How to install :
1. Open "ressources.assets" using Unity Assets Bundle Extractor.
2. Select the "Veh_Fex-01_exterior-dif" asset using "View -> Search by name -> Continue search (F3)" in the navigation menu.
Make sure you selected the "Texture2D" asset type. If it's not the case, continue to search by hitting F3.
3. Select "Plugins" and "Edit", then "OK".
4. Click on "Load" a texture and import my .PNG paintjob.
5. Hit "OK" and exit by saving the document somewhere else on your computer.
6. Manually replace your old ressources.assets in the FL local files with the new one that you just saved.
7. Enjoy your new vehicle and make sure to like it on FLmods.com !
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