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    We are not responsible for your actions and our moderation team may take action against offenders at their own discretion.

    If you do not agree with a action taken, please contact our support team with a complaint, this will be forwarded to the appropriate team members.


    1. You may not use profanity within our forums, topics or replies.
    2. Be civilized and polite to each other, do not create unnecessary drama. 
    3. Discrimination/Racism is prohibited. And is not tolerated at all.
    4. NSFW is not allowed.
    5. Don't post someone's information without permission.
    6. Do not advertise within our forums.
    7. Do not discuss politics or religion.
    8. Hate speech is not allowed.
    9. Distribution of assets is not allowed. Use the files section for such.
    10. Use the appropriate forums and use what it is intended for.
    11. Sending/Linking any harmful material such as viruses, IP grabbers or harm is prohibited.
    12. Do not exploit/glitch/bug FLMODS website. Breaking FLMODS TOS is not allowed.
    13. Privately messaging staff must be in a correct way. Any threatening, spamming, swearing or similar actions is not ALLOWED. And may result in a permanent ban.
    14. Asking for free items, services or games is not allowed.
    15. Abuse of any server resources is prohibited. (Eg. Bots, mass spam with multiple accs.)

    1. You may not abuse website statistics, logs, glitches or bugs. Mass downloading mods is also not allowed.
    2. Mods may not display/contain any hate, abuse, harassment, obscene, copyright or profanity.
    3. Mods may not contain any viruses, IP grabbers or other programs that may can hurt the website/users.
    4. When posting mods, it must contain in game screenshots or a good resemblance of the mod you are posting.
    5. When posting mods make sure to preset your mod correctly and clearly for an easy install.
    6. You may not rip, steal or re-upload mods without the permission of the original creator.
    7. When posting reviews it may only be related to the actual mod quality. If the mod does not work, or is outdated for the game build is not considered a proper review.
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