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9 Screenshots

About This File

Union County Sheriff's Charger

This is a charger only texture for Union County, North Carolina's new undercover ghost car in a stealth paint job. It was suggested to me by a discord user, and I think it this style looks great. Download it and check it out. Hope you enjoy!


Do you have suggestions? Ping me on discord @NordenRaider #1211


- Download Unity Bundle Extractor

- Create an account on flmods.com

- Press download on this file

- Save it in a place you will remember

- Extract

- Open resources (under assest in Unity Bundle Extractor (flashinglights_Data)

- Search Vic_Body_Police_D for marked or Vic_Body_D-2 for unmarked (Police)

- Press F3

- Click on "Plugins"

- Click "Edit"

- Click "Load"

- Select this file

- Click OK

- Select "Multi-thread"

- Click OK to save

Once saved, simply replace the original resources with the new, edited version, confirm the replacement, open up Flashing Lights on Steam, and enjoy!

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

cool mod but how do you have the 4 lights in the window?

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   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

I explain my reasoning in my comment, but just to summarize it and add a thing or two;

  1. This is a "Stealth Livery" Not a "Ghost Livery"
    1. The text is to dark and stands out WAY more then it should
    2. The car is a lighter color with the text being a darker color (Should be the other way around)
    3. Should barley be able to see the text
  • Like 1
  • Angry 1
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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

It's cool, but it isn't a ghost car...

Response from the author:

Thanks for the review! I did a search for ghost cars, and most of the cars that showed up were the "stealth" ghost cars like this. I think they have changed the definition, as that is what departments are calling them.

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its seems pretty cool but my question is: how can i get these light patterns in the front and back because they look pretty dope 

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