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Tasmania Police - Uniform Pack 1.0.0

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2 Screenshots

About This File

Requested on discord by: Tennison Stopford

In this pack:

Tasmania Police Uniforms: all models


- I (We) are not responsible for game errors received after installing the modifications.
- This mod (mod-pack) are not to be used in Online Communities unless permission is granted, be aware permission can be taken back at the request of the developer(s).
- This mod (mod-pack) is free to use, credit should be given if used for commercial use.
- No one is to upload a new link to this pack, links should be directed straight to the FLMods page
- Hope you enjoy the mod.

If you have any modifications in mind that you would like to use in-game and none is available, message me on discord (Chicken Nuggets#7945)
with pictures of ALL sides of the vehicle. Please be aware there will not be a 100 percent guarantee i'll create it. I will however
respond to all messages and give my reasons why i will not be accepting the request (main reasons will be if it looks too difficult, i am fairly new to skinning)
if there is a delay i will alert you to it, I will give an ESTIMATED time of completion after accepting, be aware this will not always be 100 percent guarantee.
I prefer keeping the requester up to date on the creation of their request and will prefer a reply back.
Mod-packs will be rejected if i have too many one off creations in queue. I may accept them but i will be alerting to a wait for the finished product. One offs will tend to be priority.
Mods without sufficient reference photos will be REJECTED.
My services are free and this is just a hobby, i will be creating your skin in my free time.

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