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Halden City Police Dodge Charger Pursuit Unit 1.0.0

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5 Screenshots

About This File

Hello all, this is my first Skin, which will be followed by many more. 
I made this skin for a Role Play Server I'm one. I'm just getting started with moding, so please report if there are issues with the skin, or if you got any tipps for me :)

It's based on none reallife department.
I'm sry for the low quality of the skin, but due a lack of expirence and programs, which are able to get 4K resolution, thats the best I could get. But I hope you still like it.

Heres the link to the RP-Server: https://discord.gg/C3TQAQa  (It's a german Server, so please just join if you are able to speak german)

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