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*REMASTERED* South Carolina Highway Patrol OMEGA Pack || W/ Uniforms, Transport Police, Protective Services 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

16 Screenshots

About This File


This is a remastered version of my old SCHP pack that I removed.


- Explorer (Default, Transport Police, Variants)
- CVPI (Default, Transport Police, Protective Services, Variants)
- Charger (Default, Transport Police, Protective Services, Variants)
- Van (Default, Transport Police, Variants)
- Uniforms (Hat, Female, Male, and Vested Variants)


-You are not to attempt to modify or rip this model in any way shape or form.
-I am not responsible for any damages done to your game. Please make a backup of any edited files!
-Do not re-upload this file, PLEASE MAKE A LINK TO IT.
-Make sure to read the read me


-Questions? Problems? Bugs? Let me know in the comments I will  respond when I can.

-Please leave a Review, It helps alot


credit to Herogus3xD for me editing his description cause i'm too lazy to type it lol.

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