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Pierce Ladder Truck Texture Template - 24 Colors - Blank Vanilla 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

8 Screenshots

About This File

Use these blank templates to create your own ladder truck.

The screenshots show the texture "Fire Engine Red." The other colors will just replace the red paint on the truck's body.

These blank templates were designed to be used with the add-on:

(DO NOT upload the add-on with any packs, only link the page.)

Another highly recommended download to complement this template:

Download the base color you need, and modify the file.

24 standard colors (see last screenshot.)

File to replace, and is included:


If you need help with installation, please refer to FLMOD's Discord channel for guides. 

I spend hours creating each texture for free, so please leave a "like" and a review. It helps me out tremendously.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damages to you, or your property, while you are installing these textures.

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Cpl. Irish

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

love it thanks alot for these... they could come in handy... is there going to be a Tanker Version too Please????

Response from the author:

I haven't textured enough to come up with a good "default." if i come up with something that i think would be useful, then i will be sure to upload. thank you for the suggestion though.

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Thank you Mat all these color templates your making save me so much time, you should make more of these.

Response from the author:

i have basically uploaded all of my personal templates. i spent so long making these, as perfectly as i can. it was a tedious process that i don't anyone else to have to replicate. an efficient community is always better! 

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