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Flashing Lights

All Flashing Lights forums



  • 112 posts

General area to post topics regarding Flashing Lights or its modding.


  • 212 posts

You have any questions? Ask here! The community and/or staff team will respond!

Wish a mod to be made? Feel free to request here! Make sure to search the website before requesting a mod!

Mod Locations

  • 142 posts

All kinds of topics towards the file locations.

Mod Tutorials

  • 15 posts

All kinds of modding tutorials.

Mod resources

  • 4 posts

All kinds of useful resources that may help you with modding such as tutorials, linking to other stuff or anything other related to the creation of mods.

Mod Projects

  • 35 posts

Showcase your projects you are working on here! Get ideas and early feedback before you release a mod!

Server Bazaar

  • 41 posts

Looking to join a server or advertise your server? Then this is the place!

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