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2 Screenshots

About This File

Oklahoma license plate for all vehicles, and laptop display.

I forgot I drew this for my Tulsa Chargers, and almost deleted it. Just uploading, so my time wouldn't have been wasted.

Files to replace:

NumberPlate_01 in resources.assets

NumberPlate_01_Ticket in sharedassets2.assets

If you need help with installation, please refer to FLMOD's Discord channel for guides. 

I spend hours creating each texture for free, so please leave a "like" and a review. I would be greatly appreciate it!

Do not rip, modify, reupload, or claim credit for any of the files included. (I do include tiny markings on all my textures, so don't try.) Only link this page.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damages to you, or your property, while you are installing these textures.

Link for Tulsa Police Vehicles:


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I know this guy does hard work and all his stuff is great in every little thing. Great job dude. 

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