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FDNY Ten Truck 1.00

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9 Screenshots

About This File

This Ladder texture is based on the real FDNY Ten truck based in ten house on Liberty street along with Engine 10 .

The texture is made to be as realistic as possible , I had to make some changes on my version but its as accurate to the real one as I could possibly get it .

I made this texture as kind of memorial to the heroes of the FDNY , not just for those who did not make it home but but also for those who keep doing the job day and night , and for those who have retired .
I choose Ten Truck because of its unique look and its story as "Defenders of liberty.st" .


-Do not re upload or modify this texture .
-You can use this in mod packs for servers there is no need to ask for permission. (Give credit if possible)
-You will need UABE to install this as I have no way to make the resource.assets each month.


The last image on this page is a tutorial on what files you need to replace in what order
(FireTruck02_2 , FireTruck02_2_O ,FireTruck02-2_N )
If you need any help Leave a comment and I will respond
A video can be found on how to replace texture mods on the official Flashing Lights Discord .

Hope you enjoy this mod !

Edited by ZoliDoodles

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