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Starting over with an SFX-Mod (Sounds and Visual)



Hey guys, can someone help me out? I'm working on a mod, that replaces all soundfiles of FL to improve the sound quality. I started with the handgun sounds (basic handling, reload, dryfire, gunfire). After I replaced those files, the game isn't able to play them (Unity does, the media player and my sound-editing-program as well).

I have cut the bitrate from 32 to 16 bit (that seems to be the standard for the soundfiles implemented to the game) of each file. Well, I heard that you already changed the sirens. Maybe you can help me in this case as well. What are the requirements to the soundfile (except that it should be a .wav-file ;-))?


After I'm done with those sounds, I'm going to improve the "visual quality" especially the light effects of the service/emergency lights.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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