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Modding resource assets (skins) Game fails to load


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Every time I edit my resource assets to import skins, my game doesn't load. It says its missing files and all i did was edit the resource assets file and replaced it. Any help??


Also when i edit a resources assets file it becomes a globalmanager assets file or something like that.


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I had the same issue. I backed up both the resource assets file, and the Globalmanager assets file. What I did instead of editing the resource assets file I edited the globalmanager assets file the same way you would've done the resource file and saved it as the Globalmanager assets file and this worked for me I was no longer stuck on any screens when trying to load the game

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On 5/1/2022 at 4:45 AM, Spikebe49 said:

I had the same issue. I backed up both the resource assets file, and the Globalmanager assets file. What I did instead of editing the resource assets file I edited the globalmanager assets file the same way you would've done the resource file and saved it as the Globalmanager assets file and this worked for me I was no longer stuck on any screens when trying to load the game


I tried that but i get this message... 

Desktop Screenshot 2022.05.02 - (2).png

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18 minutes ago, L33.G said:


I tried that but i get this message... 

Desktop Screenshot 2022.05.02 - (2).png

Nevermind, my UABE was outdated................ 🤦‍♂️But thanks for the tip about the Globalmanagers assets.

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